Sunday, June 15, 2014

We Honor Our Fathers

Today we honor
The first man we met
The first man to to give us "the look"
The first man to introduce us to all of the most important things:
  Pedro Infante
  Salsa ranchera
  The Dirty Dozen and Magnificent Seven
  Tortillas de masa
  Cheap beer
  A sense of nostalgia often confused with hoarding

The man that commanded attention with
  A word
  A whistle
  A snap of the finger
The one that taught us
  To catch
  To throw
  To watch cartoons
  To laugh at the inappropriate
  To eat without abandon
  To dance without fear
  To shave
  To get back up
  To be proud

He may not have cooked,
But he appreciated the one who did
He may not have made the tacos
But he knew where to find the best ones

Today we honor
The landscaper
The pit-master
The air-accordionist
Who brought home the barbacoa
And was there
Even when we didn't want him to be
But always when we needed


-By El Tacolico

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