Tuesday, June 3, 2014

REVIEW: Ramona's Cafe

On the morning of Saturday May 31st, we visited our first taqueria that was not on the SA Current's list of the top 5 breakfast spots on the Westside (and by first not on the list, we mean for the purpose of this blog - we have of course visited many other taquerias....just look at us).  Eddie mentioned that Ramona's Cafe was recommended by one of his former students, so we decided to give it a try.  As we drove in, we saw the parking lot was full and an adjacent caliche parking lot was mostly full too.  We felt good about our selection as we pulled in.

Ambience - We believe that any place with a caliche parking lot gets bonus points right from the start.  The inside was typical of most Westside spots.  Some colorful art on the walls, colorful menus and  Teno especially enjoyed the homely feel of the coffee mugs.  They weren't your standard plain, white cups.  His had a duck on it.  He likes ducks.  Ducks are nice.  More points.  Taco-nazo! - 4 Tortillas

Service - We generally enjoyed the service at Ramona's Cafe, with one exception.  They brought Teno the wrong tacos....TWICE!  Everyone was nice and friendly and they checked on us multiple times to refill water and coffee.  For the taco mishap, we should probably rate it a 2, taco-kay - BUT, we're nice guys.  So, we'll give it Taco-rale! - 3 tortillas

Menu Options - The menu options were pretty standard.  All the mainstays were represented, but we saw some things we liked, such as the migas taco.  It's not uncommon, but you don't see it on every menu.  We were satisfied with our options.  Taco-rale! - 3 Tortillas

Food - Everything we ordered tasted good.  The tortillas were just a tad dusty from flour.  The machacado con huevo a la mexicana was just the right level of salty - although not nearly spicy enough.  We had to add some of their tasty hot sauce on it.  Teno was a bit disappointed in the bean and egg - too much egg and not properly mixed.  The chorizo con huevo seemed to lack the desired level of grease.  Probably healthier, but not what you're really looking for when you order chorizo con huevo.  Solid meal. Nothing to get excited about, but another solid 3.  Taco-rale! - 3 Tortillas

Overall Taconacity - We both left there satisfied and full.  These were not the best tacos we'd ever had, but nowhere near bad.  They were good.  Solid.  Average.  We probably wouldn't go out of our way to revisit or make a point of taking our family there.  But, if you're in the area and find yourself in need of a taco fix, you can't go wrong.  Taco-rale! - 3 Tortillas

Ramona's Cafe
604 NW 24th St.
San Antonio, TX 78207
(210) 436-7100

Teno's Tidbits - Teno is traveling to Northern California this weekend for a friend's wedding, so we will not Taco Bout anything this weekend. UNLESS, do any of you have any recommendations for a place to get a good taco in San Francisco?  Send us a comment, tweet, or email with any suggestions.

Eddie's Extras - San Antonio isn't really known for neighborhood pubs - places where you go, hang out, have a beer, have some conversation, and go home to a place nearby. Instead, we have taquerías.  Ramona's is the perfect example of a neighborhood taqueria.  We could tell, from the moment we walked in, that this would be a place we would frequent if we lived in the area.  It had a wholesome feel to it and the food was solidly good. 

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