Friday, January 2, 2015

Looking Back and Looking Ahead


As we kick-off 2015, we wanted to take a moment and look back at 2014 and the beginning of our personal little blogging world about tacos.


We started our adventures in March and formally launched the site in May.  We’ve been to countless (seriously, it’s hard to count how many we visited) taco spots on the Westside.  If you remember, this all started by us wanting to test what the SA Current listed as the best breakfast spots on the Westside.  We visited all of those and decided to find our own favorite spots.  Here we are, in January 2015, and we are comfortable saying that of all the spots we visited, our two favorites are:


Los Angeles Restaurant y Panaderia 

La Bandera Molino


Those are the places we visited most often. The places we took our friends and family to. The places we will continue to visit moving forward.


Now, we feel it is time to expand our search for the best tacos to the greater San Antonio area.  We will start by visiting some spots on the Southside that have been recommended to us.  This isn’t to say we are done exploring the Westside.  Rather, it just means we’ll have that many more places to choose from.


And, in the spirit of a new year, we are making some resolutions.  We want to be better reviewers for you.  So, we are challenging ourselves to do the following:


1)   Be more consistent and prompt with our reviews.  We’ve visited many more restaurants these past few months, but just haven’t written and posted the review.  This isn’t to say the places weren’t worthy, but just that LIFE got in the way.  

2)   Launch a new site/logo.  We’ve done some work on our logo, now we just need to work on the look/feel of the site.  Sadly, neither of us has much experience in web design or layouts, but we’ll make it work.  

3)   Create some fun events.  We’d talked about approaching a restaurant and arranging some kind of deal or discount for people visiting on the same day we do – like around a birthday or milestone.  We’d still like to make this happen and we’ll keep you informed.  


So, that is where we are as we head into this new year.  Thank you for joining us on our journey so far.  Don’t stop believing in us and, together, we’ll find the best taco spots, a place where WE can TACO BOUT IT.


-Teno & Eddie    

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