Monday, September 29, 2014

Let's Taco Bout Voting

Fall has officially begun and Election Day is a little over 5 weeks away.  In Texas, and across the country, citizens will exercise their constitutional right to vote and let their voice be heard on a number of issues, from who should be their representatives in Washington, DC and their State Capitals, to a number of local and state ballot initiatives.

Now we at We Taco Bout It have each worked on election campaigns and have our own opinions on how people should vote, but we don't want to push our views onto you (at this time).  Rather, we want to take this opportunity to make sure that whoever and whatever you support, the important thing is for you to actually show your support by voting.

Every United States citizen ages 18 and up has the right, guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, to vote (though some states do not allow convicted felons).  Exercising that right is your civic duty.  The best way to make sure elected leaders are representing your views is by voting for candidates who share your views.  That's a part of living in a great democratic society.  People have differing views on how to best manage a government.  If you want people who agree with your approach to be the ones making these decisions, then you have to vote them into office.  You can also help make sure others who agree with you, vote as well.  In a democratic society, the person/idea with the most votes will win.  Unless, there's a run-off, of course.

Now, just because you have the right to vote, doesn't mean you can just show up on election day and vote.  In Texas, as in most places across the country, you must register to vote.  The deadline for voter registration in Texas is October 6th.  Even if you have voted in the past, you may want to double check to make sure you are still registered to vote.  Maybe you moved.  Or maybe you haven't voted in a while.  Visit this link and check to see if you are still registered, or if you have registered at your current address.

Early voting starts on October 20th and runs through October 31st.  I am a fan of voting early.  Usually, the lines are shorter and you can go to any early voting polling place, as opposed to on Election Day when you have to go to your designated voting place.  Once you vote early, you can rest easy.  You can tune out all of the political advertising that will be drowning the airwaves and filling the internet as the election comes near.  Or, you can then volunteer your time to help the candidate or cause of your choosing.  Particularly on Election Day. Eddie prefers Election Day, claiming that it's much more exciting to be among the gathered populace, waiting in anticipation to exercise the right and duty.  Either way, go do it!

Also, the Texas Legislature recently enacted new Voter ID laws.  Here is a good link for you know everything that you'll need to vote (whether early or on Election Day).  Check it out and be prepared.

Texas has historically had a lower voter turnout when compared to other states around the country.  In fact, a study by the Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life at the University of Texas' Moody College of Communications, found that Texas ranked 51st in Voter Turnout and 42nd in Voter Registration in 2010. 

We are a big state and we have a lot of people, true.  But that means we have an opportunity to improve that rate.  Let's lead the country in voter turnout, like we do in job creation.  Let's show a little bit of that Texas Pride!

Elections are decided by those who show up.  So, show up and let your voice be heard!

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